
Abusing Remote Administration Tools

The bad, worse and the horrible  by Gunnar Guðmundsson and Axel Marinho Guðmundsson Introduction In this article, we look at a malware payload from an exploited Microsoft Word document. With a little Python scripting and deciphering we research a single sample and gather a few more versions to view a

Analyzing message metadata to protect against BEC attacks

Can analyzing message metadata help to protect organizations from becoming the victim of a successful BEC attack? Business Email Compromise (BEC) is an umbrella term spanning many forms of social engineering email attacks that typically share the common characteristic that there is no obvious “payload”, i.e., suspicious URL or malware-infected

Using AI to protect against BEC attacks

With no payload to detect, how best can organizations protect themselves from Business Email Compromise and other social engineering attacks? by John Stevenson Sometimes the simplest frauds are the most successful. Some years ago, local authorities in the UK were targeted by a series of just such frauds. The modus

What is Microsoft Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection?

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (also known as ATP and Defender) can provide your organization with advanced security features – keeping you protected from cybersecurity threats. With today’s cybersecurity landscape, where new threats appear daily, if not hourly, it’s critical to know what tools can help you protect your organization.

The Hidden Costs of Phishing & BEC

A couple of months ago we sat down with Damian Stalls, vCIO director at Fluid Networks to discuss how they dramatically reduced the time their security analysts spent managing the problem of phishing, BEC, and user education. Here were some of the highlights from our discussion. Recovering From Successful Attacks

3 Ways to Optimize Your Security Awareness Training Program

Despite investments of time and money in secure email gateways, phishing threats continue to be delivered to the user’s inbox. To close this gap in automated detection, many organizations roll out user security awareness programs to train their employees to spot and avoid these threats. Even that, however, hasn’t brought

Protect Office 365 Email from Ransomware

Ransomware is continually evolving. It has become the “most prominent malware threat”, with experts estimating that ransomware attacks in 2021 resulted in total damage costs of $20 billion. While there is no ransomware that specifically targets Office 365 data, it can still affect Exchange Online, Sharepoint Online, and other cloud

Email Hijacking Delivers Qakbot Malware

Introduction  Originally a banking Trojan that existed in the wild as early as 2007, Qakbot (or QBot) is a pioneer of malware as a service, which is continually maintained and developed to this day. While its main purpose is to steal banking credentials such as logins and passwords, it has

Example Analysis of Multi-Component Malware

Recently, we have received an increase in the number of malicious email samples with password-protected attachments. The recent waves of attacks with Emotet use a similar approach. In this blog we describe our analysis of another set of samples that used file archives (e.g. zip file) secured with passwords. Figures

How the War in Ukraine Has Influenced the Scammers’ Underground

For the past three months, most media news headlines have been talking about a painful subject that leaves no one indifferent: the war. Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the international community has been helping the victims by donating to various charities and providing direct assistance to