
22 Hours: Average Time to Exploit News Events for Malware Distribution

Cybercriminals continue to respond with lightning speed when they see an opportunity to exploit a national or global news story to spread malware. In fact, the Commtouch Security Lab now sees instances of criminals inventing “breaking news” that appears to relate to high-profile current events. The Commtouch Security Lab continually

Green Coffee Beans – An August Review on Spam Trends

Although spam levels are generally down, certain types of spam have increased their share of the spam pie. One category that has been on the increase is diet products, such as promotion for ‘green coffee beans’ that promise weight loss miracles. Since June 2013 these products have been highly prominent

Green Coffee Beans – Spam-Rückblick August

Die schlechte Nachricht zuerst: Seit vier Monaten steigt der Spam-Anteil am E-Mail-Aufkommen an. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Jahren ist keine Sommerpause bzw. ein Einbruch beim Spam-Aufkommen zu verzeichnen. Die gute Nachricht: Es geht nur in ganz kleinen Schritten nach oben. Im Mai 2013 waren noch 78 Prozent Spam-Anteil zu verzeichnen,

Poetry Spam: Verdecktes Business-Angebot aus Afghanistan

Endlich ist mal wieder meine Hilfe gefragt! Über die Tatsache, dass ich mit “sehr geehrter Herr” und “Sir” angesprochen werde, sehe ich großzügig hinweg. Niemand geringeres als Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara wendet sich mit einem wichtigen Anliegen per E-Mail (Betreff: “Meine reagiert.”) direkt an mich:  “Entschuldigen Sie meine Stцrung; Mein Name

Fresh and Local is Best for Security Data!

When shopping, there is a trend for consumers to increasingly prefer fresh, local produce. While reasons for this may vary, there is general agreement that items purchased and consumed close to the point of origin are better in terms of taste, health benefits and environmental impact.  Many suppliers of web

PayPal Scams: A Brief Overview

The online payment service PayPal is not only one of the most popular online payment methods but also a preferred target for phishers: PayPal regularly tops the lists of phishing topics worldwide. Every day, an average of 750 newly compromised websites are targeted primarily at PayPal users, according to our

Current Malware Campaigns in the Name of Apple, UPS and MoneyGram

Within the last few days, Commtouch Security Labs saw lots of malware campaigns of the same or at least a very similar type. The emails and notifications were sent in the name of big companies and brands. For further information the recipient should visit a certain website or open the

Strong Increase in Regionalized Spam and Malware Distribution

The second quarter of 2013 saw a decrease in global spam levels while spam levels varied significantly according to region, indicating that spam distribution is becoming more and more targeted. These are the results of the Q2 Internet Threats Trend Report issued by Commtouch. During the second quarter, as measured

Real-Time Spam Delivers a Royal Baby

It isn’t exactly new: spammers and malware distributors love current events that draw a lot of public attention. They use them and the public interest for their campaigns to lure curious recipients into doing things they might not usually do: click on links or open attachments. So it fits their

Malware Campaign in the Name of Wells Fargo

For Commtouch’s email security labs, phishing emails allegedly coming from well-known large consumer banks are a common sight. A little less common is the campaign we saw in the last 24 hours: Containing the subject line “IMPORTANT Documents – WellsFargo”, emails coming from the addresses or did not