
Fake Invoice Carries “Rescoms” Malware

Emails containing malicious attachments equipped with keyloggers and screen capture capabilities are targeting businesses worldwide, with noted attacks in Asia, Russia, and the Middle East. The campaign is designed to look like it comes from real affiliates and employees working for a well-known pharmaceutical distributor in order to make the

Stealing Tax Refunds Soaring Worldwide

There appear to be only two things that are certain in life: death and cybercriminals trying to steal your tax refund. As governments have moved tax systems online to facilitate life for the taxpayer, refund scams using phishing and social engineering to obtain personal financial information have become epidemic, with

Locky Revived – A Roundup of New Variants

Locky, the ransomware which dominated 2016 and then disappeared for the first half of 2017, has been completely rescuscitated during the past three months with a series of new variants, and demanding three times the ransom rate. A possible reason for its disappearance and reemergence was explored in a recent

Locky wiederbelebt – eine Zusammenfassung der neuen Varianten

Locky, die Ransomware, welche 2016 dominiert hat und dann in der ersten Jahreshälfte von 2017 verschwunden ist, wurde mit einer Reihe neuer Varianten in den vergangenen drei Monaten zu neuem Leben erweckt und fordert jetzt das Dreifache des Lösegelds. Ein möglicher Grund für sein Verschwinden und Wiederauftreten wurde im aktuellen

Bad Rabbit Ransomware is Rebuilt NotPetya

The current “Bad Rabbit” ransomware outbreak has been generating quite a bit of news, with some conflicting accounts of its origin. Clarifying here that Bad Rabbit is a variant of the widely reported “NotPetya” ransomware, which we covered in a blog earlier this year. Bad Rabbit leverages one of the

How to Identify & Spot Phishing Links

Phishing links are harmful or misleading links that are disguised in an attempt to make them look safe and normal. These links usually lead to a fake website and entice you to enter sensitive information. Other links can also contain malware, which could give cybercriminals access to all your stored

Email Malware without Macros or Attachments — Beware Rogue Outlook Meeting Invites

A new security vulnerability found in the Microsoft Office Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) protocol is allowing malware authors to send “macro-less” malicious attachments and potentially even “attachment-less” malicious emails and calendar invites. The implications here are significant, given that many of today’s security solutions rely on the ability to identify

Cyren ergänzt die SAAS-Security- Plattform durch E- Mail-Archiving

Der Cyren E-Mail- Archiving-Service schützt Geschäftsmitteilungen und vereinfacht die regulatorische Compliance. Der Service wird als Teil der Unternehmens-Security- Plattform von Cyren angeboten, die Web-Security, E-Mail- Security, DNS-Security, Cloud-Sandboxing und nun auch das E-Mail- Archiving auf einer einzigen, global betriebenen Security-as- a- Service-Plattform integriert. „Unsere Kunden schätzen unsere Cloud-Kompetenz und bitten

Cyren Adds Email Archiving To SaaS Security Platform

The Cyren Email Archiving service protects business messages and simplifies regulatory compliance. The service is offered as part of Cyren’s enterprise security platform, which integrates web security, email security, DNS security, cloud sandboxing and now, email archiving, on a single globally-operated Security-as-a-Service platform. “Our customers value our cloud expertise and

Malware Goes Currency Mining with Your CPU

If you find your CPU spiking while browsing some website, it may be you’ve just loaned your computer resources to a virtual currency mining operation. The Pirate Bay website was caught having deployed such a “miner” on its site in mid-September, which borrows its visitor’s CPU and/or graphics card resources