
Business E-Mail Compromise-Angriffe (Imposter) durch Betrüger lassen nicht nach

Business E-Mail Compromise(BEC)-Angriffe haben in den letzten Jahren zahlenmäßig zugenommen und werden von ihrer relativen Erfolgsrate angetrieben – verglichen mit anderen finanziell motivierten Angriffen. Sie scheinen recht einfach zu sein: Der Angreifer sendet dem ausgesuchten Opfer, das für gewöhnlich ein Mitglied des Finanzteams ist, eine E-Mail und fordert es dazu

Business Email Compromise (Imposter) Attacks Are Not Going Away

Business email compromise (BEC) attacks have been increasing in number over the last few years, driven by their relative success rate compared to other financially motivated attacks. They appear to be quite simple – the attacker sends an email to the intended victim, usually a member of the finance team,

Facebook Users Hit With Coinminer Malware

The value of Bitcoin virtual currency just hit a new all-time high, and with it an increasing number of malware threats are targeting users to “borrow” their PC’s CPU for use in mining the precious cryptocurrency, something we last wrote about in October here. Once executed, a significant spike in

Interview with a Botnet Hunter

In this interview, Cyren botnet expert Geffen Tzur explains how botnets work and gives a view from the trenches on successes and challenges in fighting botnet cybercrime. What defines a botnet? Doesn’t all malware “phone home”? A botnet is defined as a network of infected computers set up to perform

Analysten-Bericht: Phishing-Angriffe sind ein Geschäftsproblem, kein IT-Problem

Überall wird über erfolgreiche Phishing-Angriffe berichtet. Diese stellen eine der größten Sorgen für IT-Manager dar – wie aber lässt sich der wirtschaftliche Nutzen einer zusätzlichen, fortschrittlicheren E-Mail- und Web-Security verdeutlichen? In einem neuen Bericht hat der Analyst der Security-Branche, Derek Brink von der Aberdeen Group, die Zahlen zusammengestellt und die

New Scarab Ransomware Using Necurs-as-a-Service

13.3 million Scarab ransomware emails detected in one day The new Scarab ransomware being distributed via email by the Necurs botnet appears to come from scanning devices or services like HP, Epson or Lexmark. While there are similarities to the Necurs-distributed Locky ransomware, Scarab seems to have been developed by

10 Cyber Threat Terms Every IT Manager Should Know

Do you know the difference between spear phishing and clone phishing and…just plain phishing? Or adware and malvertising? Check out the list below of the top 10 threat terms every employee should be familiar with, and familiarize yourself with more threat terms in Cyren’s new online Cyber Threat Dictionary in

How Do You Know Your Email Security Is Working?

When was the last time you assessed the effectiveness of your email security? Email is the main vehicle for introducing malware into an organization, so it is imperative that you do so. Here at Cyren we know how eye-opening such an evaluation can be, because during September and October, we