Day: April 17, 2020

Covid AgentTesla

With the world under threat of the COVID-19 aka corona virus, many cybercriminals are taking this opportunity to blend in the chaos. Here we have an email posing to have an order of masks. An important personal protection equipment that is on a very high demand as of this moment. 

Excel4 Macro Malware Delivers Gozi/Ursnif via a VelvetSweatshop Revival

We have been seeing a surge in Excel malware using Excel4 Macros (XLM) in hidden worksheets. Recently, malicious actors started reviving an age-old technique to further hide the malicious XLM code by leveraging the VelvetSweatshop secret password in Excel workbooks. What is Macro Malware?  Macro malware has been a popular

File-less (almost) and Confused

Amidst the crisis the world is going through because of the Covid-19 pandemic, malicious actors continue to take advantage of the situation to lure unsuspecting online consumers into installing malware into their systems. We have recently found reports of malicious Powerpoint slides being sent through email, which are disguised as

Schützen Sie sich mit tiefgehender E-Mail-Sicherheit (Email Security Defense-in-Depth) vor Evasive Phishing

Phishing-E-Mails und Ransomware finden weiterhin ihren Weg in die Posteingänge. Da könnte einem der Gedanke kommen: E-Mail-Sicherheit funktioniert einfach nicht. Es ist offensichtlich, dass Unternehmen beim Versuch, sich vor den ausgetüftelten Angriffen von heute zu schützen, Technologie einsetzen, die ursprünglich dazu konzipiert war, Spam und Malware zu blockieren. Ende der